Rodolfo Manalili's Pardon, Jueteng Connection or Gloria Arroyo’s Due Process?
It seems that lately we seem to easily get riled up on convenient targets and as I watch the development on the Rodolfo Manalili and the pathetic moronic justification of Cerge Remonde I am almost inclined to mock and joke about it. I was about to joke about having a Boyet Fajardo moment until I read the case here and here realizing that while the jokers in Malacañang seems to be joking it was one bad joke with criminal implication not even close to Chip Tsao’s and yet I see no revulsion or indignation compared to what we are seeing in the “Servant Nation” brouhahaha.
How in the world can these morons use the so-called “ministerial” or "administrative" justification for good behavior computation in commuting convicted murderers life sentence to equivalency of a shorter sentence is in itself criminal ineptitude or something else as in Jueteng influence that clouds their “better” (yeah like they have one) judgment. But then again with the likes of Persida Acosta so fixated in advancing the rights of sociopaths confusing criminal men in uniform assassins or rich powerful hooligans as indigents truly shows where their confused misplaced priority lies. Or a justice department led by SiRAUL O. GOONzales openly admitting electoral violations and daring people to sue him is an indication of their misplaced sense of justice. Do these numb nuts ever figure it out that they are advocating for the rights of criminals while the victims are left on their own relying on private organizations or individuals with a good heart tells you that these public servants are on the wrong side of the equation or perhaps just validating the public perception all along that birds of the same feather flock together?
“Uncle, maawa po kayo sa amin” [Uncle, have mercy on us] as Beebom Castaños desperately pleading for mercy falling on deaf ears of cold blooded murderer Rodolfo Manalili, a low life scum of the earth not exactly a stranger to her. The kind of words that should haunt one with a conscience much less coming from the niece of the ex-wife of your brother surely shows a heartless sociopath belonging to the Charles Manson league of serial killers. If evil and hell exist Rodolfo Manalili surely personifies what is evil in the deepest crevices of burning hell perpetrating the most cruel horrendous crime, yet unaffectedly cold while his co-conspirator Robin Manga ties up Beboom’s hand with wire, acting as guard and lookout while Cochise Bernabe (Beebom's boyfriend) is slaughtered by his sick demented hired killers Roberto "Rambo" Lising and Felimon Garcia.
These are individuals worse than animals that will make the HBO Sopranos' television violence pale in comparison looking like a nursery child frank at the impunity and barbaric mindset surpassing even that of worse serial killers mankind has ever known. Unfortunately in Gloria Arroyo’s “due process” using “ministerial” excuse as if it was a magic wand like a lunatic thinking it erases the dastardly crime in an instant are the kind of criminals that deserves to be released back to society in complete and utter disregard of the gravity of the crime or safety and security of their surviving relatives.
As I watch the clip on big mouth Cerge Remonde the mouthpiece of one with a Garcified mandate in his lame attempt at mouthing due process (as if they have a clue what it really meant only makes one puke at their idiocy), Beebom’s mother and younger brother had since flown to the United States in fear for their own safety. Due process includes the victims but in the land of Jueteng these morons seems to concern themselves with the rights of the criminals first and foremost while ignoring the victim and their survivors fears, safety and security.
If indeed it was due process that they want us to believe then foremost among the consideration to release a cold blooded mastermind murderer back to society is to consider the victim’ and in this case the relatives of the deceased. This is one criminal willing to pay a hired killer and actively participating in the carnage, so what guarantees do the victims' relatives have that he will not do the same murderous mindless insidious cruelty all over again to get back at the relatives for pursuing the case that got him incarcerated?
Well, it seems the Comelec backdoor operator type of counting is the norm even on criminals which is sadly not surprising as election is one huge criminal enterprise run and participated by crooks in politicians clothing. It helps that you are a province mate of a cheating errr seating president and you are assured leniency and preferential treatment when you have the "right" connections. Apparently, these officials need to answer the question of Manuel Buencamino at Uniffors if indeed Rodolfo Manalili is related to Gloria Arroyo’s Kumadre Lilia Pineda the wife of allege Jueteng Lord Bong Pineda who up to now Bar Flunker Merceditas Gutierrez can’t seem to gather evidence for unexplained wealth and mother of Pampanga Jueteng errr Mayors League Dennis Pineda. Is it Jueteng that clouds their math skills that they employ the same modus operandi in their dagdag (add) bawas (subtract) in computing reduce jail sentences for "good" behavior or was it the "goodness" of Jueteng that was considered?
I don’t believe in capital punishment but with this kind of monstrosity that are sorry excuse for cowards of human beings who despite knowing they have the wrong person and Beeboms desperate plea for mercy had the gall to curse the defenseless victim to shut up as they will kill her too further traumatizing a defenseless helpless victim sensing her death hovering deep within her soul. I can’t imagine being in her situation nor any of my relatives or anyone that I remotely knew deserves to be subjected to such unimaginable experience and yet these unfeeling numb public servants had the temerity to release the mastermind while his cohorts remain in jail. These are the type of dangerous criminals that need to be condemned in solitary confinement in vermin infested dungeons for good, throw away the keys and forget they existed to prevent them from repeating their heinous crimes ever again against defenseless innocent law abiding citizens.
These are criminals bragging at the investigators at the National Bureau of Investigation that they raped the victims as if it enhanced their “manhood” not realizing that they are sick demented cowards no different from Abu Sayyaf terrorist maniacs with sexual perversion akin to that of rabies infected loose dogs on heat. So cruel and barbaric yet there seems to be a dearth of sound byte grabbing politicians seen so dramatically indignant worthy of a tele-novela series (soap operas) even going out of their way to save imaginary maid Louisa in distress but eerily quiet at this latest travesty of the Arroyo administration.
We have seen enough and heard enough from these politicians and in order for us to really appreciate and for once show their heart is with the victims why not pass a law that will ensure that the victims and their relatives are notified beforehand that the criminals responsible for the crime against them before some numb nuts who can’t even count reduce and release heinous barbaric criminals.
Create a law where there is a parole board that hears the merits of releasing a criminal in complete transparency instead of decisions who we don’t even know who decided may have been influenced by Jueteng money or succumbing to pressures in a political system based on patronage.
A law that expands the definition of “victim” related to who can attend a hearing to any victim of any crime against the person committed by the prisoner.
Allows victims to attend hearings without being asked questions by the prisoner or the prisoner’s attorney, (includes the victim, the victim’s next of kin, family members and representatives) as they have every right to be heard and listened to by the board of parole whose decision will impact their lives.
A law that allows victims, victim’s next of kin and their representatives to make statements which reasonably express their views concerning the prisoner, including, but not limited to the crimes committed, the effect of the crimes on the victim and the victim’s family, and the prisoner’s suitability for parole.
Lastly a law that impose stiffer penalties for lawmen abusing their authority in committing or engaging in criminal activity on all levels and more so for criminal masterminds hiring people in authority to commit crimes for them. That is what people want and desperately needed to hear, not some cheap sound bytes that are mostly noises that signifies nothing but hollow projection of knights in shining armor of the laughable Don Kamote errr Quixote kind........
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“Uncle, maawa po kayo sa amin” [Uncle, have mercy on us] as Beebom Castaños desperately pleading for mercy falling on deaf ears of cold blooded murderer Rodolfo Manalili, a low life scum of the earth not exactly a stranger to her. The kind of words that should haunt one with a conscience much less coming from the niece of the ex-wife of your brother surely shows a heartless sociopath belonging to the Charles Manson league of serial killers. If evil and hell exist Rodolfo Manalili surely personifies what is evil in the deepest crevices of burning hell perpetrating the most cruel horrendous crime, yet unaffectedly cold while his co-conspirator Robin Manga ties up Beboom’s hand with wire, acting as guard and lookout while Cochise Bernabe (Beebom's boyfriend) is slaughtered by his sick demented hired killers Roberto "Rambo" Lising and Felimon Garcia.
These are individuals worse than animals that will make the HBO Sopranos' television violence pale in comparison looking like a nursery child frank at the impunity and barbaric mindset surpassing even that of worse serial killers mankind has ever known. Unfortunately in Gloria Arroyo’s “due process” using “ministerial” excuse as if it was a magic wand like a lunatic thinking it erases the dastardly crime in an instant are the kind of criminals that deserves to be released back to society in complete and utter disregard of the gravity of the crime or safety and security of their surviving relatives.
As I watch the clip on big mouth Cerge Remonde the mouthpiece of one with a Garcified mandate in his lame attempt at mouthing due process (as if they have a clue what it really meant only makes one puke at their idiocy), Beebom’s mother and younger brother had since flown to the United States in fear for their own safety. Due process includes the victims but in the land of Jueteng these morons seems to concern themselves with the rights of the criminals first and foremost while ignoring the victim and their survivors fears, safety and security.
If indeed it was due process that they want us to believe then foremost among the consideration to release a cold blooded mastermind murderer back to society is to consider the victim’ and in this case the relatives of the deceased. This is one criminal willing to pay a hired killer and actively participating in the carnage, so what guarantees do the victims' relatives have that he will not do the same murderous mindless insidious cruelty all over again to get back at the relatives for pursuing the case that got him incarcerated?
Well, it seems the Comelec backdoor operator type of counting is the norm even on criminals which is sadly not surprising as election is one huge criminal enterprise run and participated by crooks in politicians clothing. It helps that you are a province mate of a cheating errr seating president and you are assured leniency and preferential treatment when you have the "right" connections. Apparently, these officials need to answer the question of Manuel Buencamino at Uniffors if indeed Rodolfo Manalili is related to Gloria Arroyo’s Kumadre Lilia Pineda the wife of allege Jueteng Lord Bong Pineda who up to now Bar Flunker Merceditas Gutierrez can’t seem to gather evidence for unexplained wealth and mother of Pampanga Jueteng errr Mayors League Dennis Pineda. Is it Jueteng that clouds their math skills that they employ the same modus operandi in their dagdag (add) bawas (subtract) in computing reduce jail sentences for "good" behavior or was it the "goodness" of Jueteng that was considered?
I don’t believe in capital punishment but with this kind of monstrosity that are sorry excuse for cowards of human beings who despite knowing they have the wrong person and Beeboms desperate plea for mercy had the gall to curse the defenseless victim to shut up as they will kill her too further traumatizing a defenseless helpless victim sensing her death hovering deep within her soul. I can’t imagine being in her situation nor any of my relatives or anyone that I remotely knew deserves to be subjected to such unimaginable experience and yet these unfeeling numb public servants had the temerity to release the mastermind while his cohorts remain in jail. These are the type of dangerous criminals that need to be condemned in solitary confinement in vermin infested dungeons for good, throw away the keys and forget they existed to prevent them from repeating their heinous crimes ever again against defenseless innocent law abiding citizens.
These are criminals bragging at the investigators at the National Bureau of Investigation that they raped the victims as if it enhanced their “manhood” not realizing that they are sick demented cowards no different from Abu Sayyaf terrorist maniacs with sexual perversion akin to that of rabies infected loose dogs on heat. So cruel and barbaric yet there seems to be a dearth of sound byte grabbing politicians seen so dramatically indignant worthy of a tele-novela series (soap operas) even going out of their way to save imaginary maid Louisa in distress but eerily quiet at this latest travesty of the Arroyo administration.
We have seen enough and heard enough from these politicians and in order for us to really appreciate and for once show their heart is with the victims why not pass a law that will ensure that the victims and their relatives are notified beforehand that the criminals responsible for the crime against them before some numb nuts who can’t even count reduce and release heinous barbaric criminals.
Create a law where there is a parole board that hears the merits of releasing a criminal in complete transparency instead of decisions who we don’t even know who decided may have been influenced by Jueteng money or succumbing to pressures in a political system based on patronage.
A law that expands the definition of “victim” related to who can attend a hearing to any victim of any crime against the person committed by the prisoner.
Allows victims to attend hearings without being asked questions by the prisoner or the prisoner’s attorney, (includes the victim, the victim’s next of kin, family members and representatives) as they have every right to be heard and listened to by the board of parole whose decision will impact their lives.
A law that allows victims, victim’s next of kin and their representatives to make statements which reasonably express their views concerning the prisoner, including, but not limited to the crimes committed, the effect of the crimes on the victim and the victim’s family, and the prisoner’s suitability for parole.
Lastly a law that impose stiffer penalties for lawmen abusing their authority in committing or engaging in criminal activity on all levels and more so for criminal masterminds hiring people in authority to commit crimes for them. That is what people want and desperately needed to hear, not some cheap sound bytes that are mostly noises that signifies nothing but hollow projection of knights in shining armor of the laughable Don Kamote errr Quixote kind........
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16 Speak Out:
Another of those oh-so-forgotten cased (Cochise-Beebom twin slay)...and yet this murderer gets the perks. Only in the Philippines nga talaga where we see hardcore murderers and rapists get the limelight and the positive build-up no thanks to the midget Thief-in-Chief (sana sya na lang ung nasa chopper nung makatlo)
@pakshet101, that's a good one.... Thief-in-Chief, really apt.... yes, the problem with us is that criminals literally get away with murder because we seem fixated on things that hurt our feelings than those who maim and kill defenseless law abiding citizens.
A couple seems to be laying the predicate of trying to live-up according to the Golden Rule.
In this version of " Do Unto Others, as you wish Others to do unto you", parang gustong ipakita na ang mga kawatan, rapist at mamatay tao sa Pinas ay may roon malaking pagkakataon magkaroon ng manigong buhay- KUNG ANG MGA ITO AY MAYKAYA AT KUNEKSION. Parang listahan ng Society Page ang mga nabigyan ng pardon o commutation ng sentence!
Kung isang mahirap lang ang nagkasala, forever na MENACE ito sa society wheteher may kasalan o wala.
But what do we expect from our Garcified Society, where many would still prefer to MOVE ON before a rampaging public evil?
Aruuuy ko po!
So do we expect the presidential pardons of Rolito Go and Mayor Sanchez soon?
Hahaha, Lu Tong Mancau that is like a who's who in high society circle of a dysfunctional garcified republic. Sabi nga ni JC (the lone AKP bet who won a seat in Olongapo) the Sorpranos' are better off than our Mafiosi president. The big boss recognize his problem and sees a psychiatrist.... eh si Gloria deluded yet does not seek professional help.
I suspect that the reason why Gloria does this is so that when things don't work out and she finds herself in the same predicament she expects fellow criminals errr politicians to give her automatic pardon and executed errr executive clemency just like what she gave Erap.
If the price is right EQ, then maybe it will be Rolito Go and Antonio Sanchezes turn to join the high society of perverts and murderers......
I know you are all refined and intelligent people but you have to understand that the Philippines is following a worldwide trend for a corrective and a restorative penal system instead of a punitive one. ” Meaning all convicted persons, whether guilty or not guilty, after serving sentence in good behavior should be given a chance to redeem themselves and to re enter society once again.
In the case of Crisologo, he burned the whole town in Ilocos Sur and killed hundreds, What is he now? after serving sentence, he became a pastor of the Lord’s Flock, then entered into politics, until he became congressman, helping thousands of people who came to him.
I do hope all of you will be enlightened and be guided by the Holy Spirit. God bless all of you…..
So the concept of "good" or "reformed" criminals convicted of heinous crimes according to anonymous is one who became a pastor and ended up as a politician of the patronage kind "helping" others...... smell the coffee man, if you think Bingbong Kulugo errr Crisologo has been reformed well think again.
This is basically the problem in our penal system while it projects itself in following the trends of advanced societies the Philippines has a tendency to leave out crucial components of the program such as ignoring the victims rights and the relatives concern and safety. You dont release a criminal without the knowledge of the victims and their relatives because in the end it is their lives that is impacted the most at the decision of some moronic officials who hay have done so according to what they may gain out of it.
Anak ng jueteng stop shouting anonymous, seriously you can't change the fact that Rodolfo Manalili was convicted beyond reasonable doubt that he masterminded the 2xmurder of Cochise and Beebom. Amusing errrr assuming for the sake of argument that your claim is true that still does not justify Manalili's and his hired killers slaughtering the victims. That does not justify using policeman abusing their authority in abducting the victims using their badges making it look like an arrest when it was pure mafiosi hooliganism.
Since you claim to have the "evidence" and know of this "fact" the more so that it shows the danger of releasing this sadist murderer who would rather mete his own type of extra judicial justice than pursue the case in a court of law.
Isn't it time to NUKE Malacanang, Senate, House of Representatives, Supreme Court, COA, COMELEC, CSC, and all government institutions/agencies that are used for the perpetration of the DE FACTO Tri-Partite Dictatorship installed last JANUARY 2001?
I hope what happened to Delfin Manalili and Rodolfo Manalili happens to your family, so that you would know how it feels to be deprived of justice and also how it feels to have a good friend who is innocent, incarcerated. You are biased and dont know the whole story. Rodolfo would not come back to the Philippines from Australia if he was guilty as there was no extradition treaty. He came back to prove his innocense but his case was railroaded coz the Bernabe's was related to Chief justice Narvasa. Man do smell the coffee......
Anonymous, the court has found Rodolfo Manalili guilty beyond reasonable doubt and even confirmed by the higher court and you are still peddling "innocence," when we are now on the stage of questioning his pardon.
I don't think what Rodolfo did will happen with my family because we are peaceful and civilized, meaning we abhor violence in any form or manner. Obviously, with your line of thinking and hopefully it is not also Rodolfo's and if it is then he truly do not deserve to be freed back to society.
Am I biased? I don't think so, I don't even know the accused and the victims on a personal level but if you read what I posted I am recommending that a law is passed to strengthen our pathetic parole system openly abused by Napoleonic president on a power trip.
The big difference between the Manalilis' and Bingbong Crisologo is that the latter, after conviction, admitted his guilt and repented. The former did not. As a matter of fact, they even believed their own lies and continue to claim their innocence as this anonymous is trying to propagate outside Mungtinglupa.
Well, the Manalilis should better remember this- mas maraming pera si Rolito Go kaysa kanila at mas malakas ito kaysa kanila. Bago sila, si Rolito Go muna. The ONLY problem is nabuking ang plano ng taga Pasig.
Nangahasa sila at pinatay nila ang kanilang ginahasa. HINDE NILA GINAWA ITO DAHIL SA KANILANG KAHIRAPAN sa BUHAY! It was simply a product of their twisted mind.Sila ang mga tunay at matatapang na lalaki. Sa ibang bayan nga, kinakain ng buhay ang mga taong tulad nila.
The good book says in so many words, " What you sow, you harvest." Sabi pa nga ng librong ito" An eye for an eye,a tooth for a tooth."
Kaya, siguro pag wala nang disenteng tao sa Pinas baka makalusot si Rolito Go at ang mga Manalili. Otherwise, sa Munti lahat SILA tatanda at malamang na doon na din sila mautas at iburol. Anonymous notwithstanding, they should not even dream otherwise about it! NANG HINDE NA PAMARISAN PA NG IBA!
Aruuuy ko po.
There Anonymous best friend of Rodolfo Manalili, take note of what Lu Tong Mancau is saying.... I dare say quite an accurate sentiment on how to treat lowly scums.
Anonymous is Leonardo Manalili, a nephew of the murderer Rodolfo Manalili, who mistakenly believed that Cochise Bernabe killed his brother when Delfin tried to kill his own wife and kids and was shot in their defense by Robert Herrera.
He left a similar post on my blog, and is busy responding to all posts about his uncle's unjustified pardon on the web.
Leonardo Manalili is peddling lies and trying to justify the presidential pardon that is so evil.
He is also now maligning Cochise Bernabe who, together with Beebom, was an innocent victim of a violent member of an apparently violent family to which he belongs.
And this ---hole is using my name and distorting my words to further the lies he and his family are peddling.
Rodolfo Manalili killed Cochise Bernabe. He hired a syndicate of kidnappers to do the job because he was a coward. He was found guilty beyond reasonable doubt by the trial court and by the Supreme Court.
Rodolfo Manalili is an unrepentant murderer and will post a danger to Philippine society. This is why we should all oppose and take a stand against Gloria Macapagal Arroyo's abuse of the power to pardon.
GMA happens to be my aunt, and unlike the Manalilis I am not a coward. I will not use "anonymous" and malign dead people and tout criminals in blogs, I write about right and wrong and I certainly will take a stand on issues.
We Filipinos have such short memories and pretend we are forgiving when what we really are is apathetic.
Thank you for your post. Thank you for not forgetting the lovely couple Cochise and Beebom whom Rodolfo Manalili caused to be abducted, tortured and killed.
Now I ask you, who is going to protect the Filipino people when Rodolfo Manalili is released into Philippine society?
And if Rodolfo Manalili is to be released in 3 years yet, why is his kababayan president in such a rush to pardon him before her term ends in 2010?
Thank you for your courage, may your tribe increase.......
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