The Democratic Party of the Philippines (DPP) Gears up to Democratize the Philippines by Filipinizing Democracy!!!
The PREAMBLE of the
We, with the aid of Divine Providence, as patriotic citizens of the Philippines, have forged a common bond, and do solemnly vow under the banner of a political party; commit ourselves to establish a morally-upright, just, humane, democratic, and peaceful Philippine society based on an unrelenting respect for life, liberty, property and human dignity that shall build and sustain a God-centred, people-empowered, prosperous and harmonious national community; and who swear to undertake this task with honesty, integrity, courage, generosity, and charity, do ordain and promulgate this Constitution and By-Laws.
Section 1. The general objectives of the Party are:
1) to engage in the active and peaceful quest for political power as the most effective instrument for promoting Party ideals in the service of the common good and the nation;
2) To foster ethical standards of personal behaviour in government, business, the professions, livelihood activities, and community service;
3) to conduct educational programs which shall stress the universal ideals of democracy and the historical contributions to our national identity of Christianity, Islam, and the country’s indigenous communities; and,
4) To develop attitudes and strengthen values of enterprise that respect national cultural traditions and place spiritual and ethical goals above the purely secular and materialistic.
Section 2. The specific political objectives of the Party are:
1) To decentralize political power through devolution, deconcentration, and local autonomy for cultural communities;
2) To politically empower every citizen by promoting social consciousness and active involvement in governance, especially in the locality and community, and the formation of people’s organizations as effective vehicles for political articulation and action in society;
3) To ensure that politics promotes the national interest, thus transforming the politics of patronage and personalities into one of service an ideology; and,
4) To help ensure a responsible, accountable, and transparent system of government.
Section 3. The specific socio-economic objectives of the Party are:
1) to establish a socio-economic order based on distributive justice, manifested in the integration of marginalized sectors into the mainstream of development and the equitable dispersal, ownership, opportunities, and control of the nation’s wealth;
2) To adopt affirmative actions and compensatory policies that support a preferential option for the marginalized sectors to achieve equal opportunities for a better quality of life;
3) to implement democratic, participatory, and bottoms-up approaches in socio- economic growth planning toward achieving higher levels of income, productivity and employment, and fiscal, monetary, and welfare policies biased to the upliftment of marginalized sectors;
4) To launch economic empowerment through total economic mobilization centred on cooperativism and solidarity with an for the benefit of marginalized sectors and small scale entrepreneurs of household industries and family-size farms;
5) to promote the welfare of the industrial labour force through appropriate and relevant support for human resources development, efforts to ensure a just working wage based on productivity and the cost of living and a standard of life that values human dignity;
6) To adopt policies and programs that deconcentrate economic power and that counter exploitative economic activities especially those that translate into political entrenchment; and,
7) To foster a vision-mission of development that/promotes self reliance and indigenous growth in the context of global interdependence.
Section 1. The Party adheres to the following guiding principles for the restructuring, maintenance, and development of the political, economic, and socio-cultural systems of Philippine society:DEMOCRATIC PARTY OF THE PHILIPPINES (DPP)
(1) POVERTY ALLEVIATION which is focused on opportunity for all and sharing of resources, which system shall underscore the reality that human development is attainable for all through the people’s active participation in and command of every aspect of human life.
(2) BARANGAY-BASED DEVELOPMENT which asserts that a bountiful natural habitat and environment for all generations to enjoy is achievable through the application of labour, capital, enterprise, and technology that would preserve the habitat and promote a safe, productive environment.
(3) GENUINE SOCIAL JUSTICE which, affirming that the Almighty’s work is for the good of all and that man is created as the steward for the common good, avows that a humanistic society is attainable through man’s continuous striving for the creation and equitable distribution of wealth.
(4) DECENTRALIZED GOVERNANCE AND AUTONOMY which, recognizes the people’s right to and capability for self-determination and emphasizes decentralization, deregulation and autonomy.
(5) PATRIOTISM AND NATIONAL SOLIDARITY which stresses that the common good and the national interest are paramount at all times across and above individual, sectoral, or parochial interests.
I. Introduction
As leaders of various political parties in the Philippines are engaged in the “business as usual” jockeying for position, the duty and responsibilities to effect meaningful change and buttress our nation’s political stability have given way to petty squabbling amidst a culture of lying and cheating, graft and corruption. Under the current structure of national governance, the collegial quest to achieve the goals of responsible and ethical governance is often drowned by the cacophony of many and varied grandstanding for apparent advocacy.
Hence, the DEMOCRATIC PARTY OF THE PHILIPPINES must now emerge to gorge the mechanism for reaching out to the Filipino people. For all intents and purposes, the Party’s Operation PLEDGE is our quasi-Marshall Plan for engaging Filipino leadership in a manner that provides us with the catalyst for change. Aligned to this is the Filipino-American and various Overseas Filipino Workers (OFWs) increasing role to muster the efforts to their civic organizations and various groups in the Filipino Diaspora in order to achieve our quest for a responsive and responsible vehicle for change.
The exigency for the PARTY’ to lead and shape a unified Filipino agenda underlying our “conscientization” process evokes the moral courage and political will to always do what is right and what is just in order to advance the dignity of our nation and the common good of it’s citizens. This will be determined by how far our Party’s leadership would lead in our quest for nation-building. As our Party’s vehicle for change, Operation PLEDGE will muster the strength and energy, imagination and ambition of Filipinos at home and abroad to harness our collective power toward the emergence of our communal yearning for moral recovery, political renaissance and economic empowerment.
Accordingly, the Party’s Operation PLEDGE must now appeal to all Filipinos at home and abroad and embolden our leadership every which way we go to get on with the task of people empowerment through advocacy via the marshalling of our collegial will to want to succeed under the aegis of our PARTY. Notwithstanding our differing convictions and commitments, there is a clarion call to challenge ourselves to heed the DEMOCRATIC PARTY OF THE PHILIPPINES’s call to build an ethical and responsible government across the Philippines by sharing the same burdens of responsibility for nation-building, galvanized by our will to be duly represented and empowered.
The message is clear. We want change for the better, and we are ready to shoulder the onus of civic duty and responsibility. The challenge is unmistakable. We shall no longer remain indifferent to the staid and stale “business-as-usual” politicking that ushered in a culture of cheating and lying defined by graft and corruption. Rather, we will manage to control the outcome for our collective actions in a manner that will redound to a greater appreciation of who we are as a sovereign people and what we can do once we harness our energies to build a better nation.
And the DEMOCRATIC PARTY OF THE PHILIPPINES’s covenant with creating people empowerment through advocacy under the auspices of Operation PLEDGE will reach out to the younger generation of Filipinos because it is in their hands that we shall bequeath the noble legacy that is yet to uphold. We shall be genuinely appreciative that at a time when the DEMOCRATIC PARTY OF THE PHILIPPINES appealed to the better angles of our conscience, our leadership under the aegis of Operation PLEDGE was found ready, willing and able to lead, shape and transform our Motherland, firmer in our resolve to form our destiny.
This is our goal. We will achieve it via the collective power of our will to succeed and to be empowered.
More specifically, it is recommended that the Party’s most important cog in Operation PLEDGE’s wheel is the “think-tank” represented by our Regional Leadership. To obtain a wide spectrum of viewpoints focused on the many and varied concerns and needs facing our PARTY, this cadre of “think-tankers” must be imbued with the following areas of experience and expertise:
- THEOCENTRIC MORAL AGENDA - To implement our traditional Filipino religious upbringing and modus operandi, i.e. buttressing a value system and ethic that ride herd on the religious fervor characterizing everything we do towards people empowerment and advocacy.
- THE RULE OF LAW – To forge an advocacy as a catalyst for change within the legal and constitutional parameters of the Congress based upon the Constitution’s mandate of participatory government, serving as the citadel for righteousness, equality and simple justice for Filipinos at home and abroad and to ensure that those who have less in life should have more access to the government.
- EDUCATION and CULTURE – To develop the “basics” of the Filipino’s quest for self-discovery and self-esteem, and recognize the inherent beauty and uniqueness of our culture relative to a likewise unique value-system that genuinely symbolizes the Filipino – as someone who is willing to know who he is and what he stands for and eminently capable of competing with the world’s best and brightest.
- ENGAGEMENTS OF THE YOUTH – To underscore their role and to recognize Jose Rizal’s challenge that “…la juventud es la esperanza del pueblo…” (the youth is the hope of our nation) by tapping their idealism and resilience, challenging them to become among the world’s noblest in their love for God and country.
- ENVIRONMENT and ECOLOGY – To recognize the survival of the world and our birth country, the Philippines, and its God-given natural resources in that there still exists the vast yet untapped natural richness which has been the envy of many nations, virtually making our nation Asia’s “King Solomon Islands.”
- GOVERNMENT and its BUREAUCRACY – To coordinate and forge a convergence of services so as to conduct a delivery-mechanism without the costly duplication of efforts towards the establishment of a lean, mean efficient machine capable of curtailing a veritable bottleneck in responding to our needs and concerns.
The above areas must be recognized by our Party’s “think-tank” so that a much perspective of basic program agenda can be established, thus avoiding a myopic consideration of those basic elements that evoke the Filipino psyche. As together we confront the all too forgotten road to a government of the people, for the people and by the people, and that it is truly open and democratic we will be imbued with the awareness that our needs and concerns will reach government in a way that is truly representative of all of us.
In the end, together with the rest of our nation, our people will forge a sense of ownership of their government because they are imbued with a sense of belongingness to the conduct of its affairs.
II. Our Party’s Structure
As the DEMOCRATIC PARTY OF THE PHILIPPINES’ eyes and ears for a good and conscientious, efficient and responsible government, Operation PLEDGE believes that Filipinos at home and abroad are better served by the marshalling of efforts from the genuine patriotism of leaders answering the nation’s call to duty and responsibility. In fulfilling the quest for the common welfare of all Filipinos. The following PARTY objectives buttress Operation PLEDGE’s basic commitment:
- To engage the moral and socio-cultural awareness of Filipinos, as well as promote their civic –political stability in order to enhance their self-determination and dignity;
- To focus on the needs and concerns as well as opportunities for growth and development for those engaged with the government, church or religious affiliations, civic organizations and NGO’s within whose purview said needs and concerns may well be resolved – including but not limited to our brother/sister Muslims, Lumads and indigenous people across our land;
- To establish linkages among the different sectors of Filipinos society affecting the political representation, socio-civic consciousness, educational and cultural enhancement, and economic and social self-sufficiency..
In accomplishing its goals and objectives, the DEMOCRATIC PARTY OF THE PHILIPPINES must depend on its Regional Chairs, who will serve as our “think-tank” cadre. It must galvanize the energies of its grassroots membership at the Provincial and Municipal levels which form our Party’s “outreach team.”
Additionally, the “think-tank” team will strategize methodologies of cooperation and coordination through research-base training and motivation, poll-study survey findings, as well as consultative and advisory volunteer services. On the other hand, an “outreach team” will serve as Operation PLEDGE’s live-wire vehicle to the existing government agencies and linkages already in place so that duplication of service efforts will be avoided and coalition of such resources integrated.
As a principle of covenant to people’s quest for empowerment, the DEMOCRATIC PARTY OF THE PHILIPPINES thru Operation PLEDGE will muster the Filipino people’s will, imagination and ambition to energize our collective power for hastening the emergence of moral recovery and political renaissance.
The message is clear. The Philippines can ill afford to be enslaved by the ignominies of the past, but rather be radically strengthened by its vision for greatness in the immediate future. We shall lead such a noble endeavor. Our covenant to harness people empowerment will be established with all segments of the Filipino people, and will nourish a special interest in the nation’s youth.
Eventually, this would lead to a holistic service-delivery mechanism from the community’s different sectors – i.e., from government agencies to Church/religious groups, as well as NGOs and other civic voluntary groups, such as the Rotary Clubs, Jaycees, Lions’ Clubs, the Kiwanis Clubs, Philippine Chambers of Commerce, the Philippine Medical Associations, the Philippine Nurses’ Association, etc.
III. Our Party’s Credo and Agenda
Given our obligation as citizens, our PARTY will draw its strength from the engagement of grassroots folks and ordinary Citizens. With them our conviction will be measured by our 7-point credo and 7-point agenda. We will offer a viable alternative to the scheme of political-grafters and influence-peddlers in the corridors of power, who have unconscionably subverted our national will “to build a just and humane society, and promote the common good…”
Accordingly, the DEMOCRATIC PARTY OF THE PHILIPPINES is markedly defined by the following 7-point credo:
- We believe that the power of a bona-fide government is derived from the consent of the governed shaped by the conscientious commitment of a responsible and ethical leader.
- We believe that the strength of our Democracy is defined by its ability to lead the people with sincerity and knowledge under the rule of law and due process.
- We believe that the people’s trust in their government is earned when its citizens are assured of the most determined efforts of both elected and appointed officials.
- We believe that the dictates of justice and equality are best served by the fairness and swiftness with which the judicial system will protect the innocent and punish the guilty.
- We believe that the success of Democracy is best achieved by the equality of educational and job opportunities given its citizens without any discrimination or class distinction.
- We believe that the authority of government to lead is best understood when it takes the initiative to advance the common good of its citizens, without compromise or equivocation; and
- We believe that our Youth are our future, and it’s government’s duty to ensure that they get the best education and training possible to be able to compete with the world’s best and brightest.
Additionally, the PARTY will be guided by the following 7-point agenda:
- Protection of citizen’s civil and human rights, especially for the poor and the marginalized.
- Accountability of elected and appointed government officials towards their constitutional duties.
- Government in the “sunshine” in which citizens could access their government’s conduct.
- Subsidies to our nation’s farmers and entrepreneurs without cumbersome collateral.
- Protection of tenure for civil service employees regulated by common-sense standards.
- Fair and just compensation for teachers and guardians of the law that dignifies their work and recognizes their sacrifices – along with merit pay for excellent performance.
- Leadership training in government affairs for our high school and college youth under the aegis of Operation PLEDGE – People’s Leadership Education Designed to Generate Empowerment.
IV. Our Party’s Methodology and Delivery System
Needless to say, our Regional Chairs acting as the “think-tank” cadre shall be knowledgeable of and sensitive to the demographics and political battle-lines evident in each of their respective member-regions. A blueprint of the PARTY thru Operation PLEDGE’s master plan, both long- and short-range, shall be brainstormed and prioritized. Accordingly, each blueprint shall form the guiding philosophy that shapes and forms, moves and directs Operation PLEDGE’s major system objectives.
Additionally, they shall be tasked with this think-tank responsibility. In pursuing this crucial task (a condition-sine-qua-non), they shall formulate a delivery-system methodology through cadre units at the:
- Regional Level
- Provincial Level
- City/Municipal Level
It must be understood that the “think-tank” cadre make up the national cadre working with the Party’s “kitchen cabinet” and whose services are available at a given moment’s notice to solidify that sense of continuity within the overall functionality of our Party’s. Cadre units at each of the three (3) levels shall be known as “councils” – and may take on advisory and/or consultative roles.
The “think-tank” cadre comprising the Party’s Core Group will be the prime implementers of Operation PLEDGE’s goals and objectives under the advice and consent of the Party’s President, Chairman and Secretary-General. Their basic thrust will focus on ensuring that the Party’s outreach efforts under the aegis of Operation PLEDGE are reaching out to virtually every cadre at the Regional, Provincial and City/Municipal levels. This “connecting-the-dots” methodology will enable the DEMOCRATIC PARTY OF THE PHILIPPINES’s influence and presence to be felt throughout the length and breadth of the Philippines via the activities and programs under the aegis of our quest for moral recovery and political renaissance.
And should our PARTY pursue the continuity of certain programs and activities under the administration of a new Government and Congress, the prestige and influence of the DEMOCRATIC PARTY OF THE PHILIPPINES shall have reached every nook and cranny of the Philippines, the FilAm community in America and the OFW communities across the Pinoy Diaspora. This moral authority and outreach will enable the DEMOCRATIC PARTY OF THE PHILIPPINES to become a major player and catalyst for change in proposed activities impacting the good name and reputation of our nation and the Filipino people.
The DEMOCRATIC PARTY OF THE PHILIPPINES’s Operation PLEDGE shall operate and function as a vehicle to ensure that the Filipino’s sense of belonging shall have the lasting effect that our PARTY is synonymous to a catalyst for change in paving the way for good and honest governance so that the grievances of Filipinos – whether real or imagined – shall be duly addressed in a calm and reasonable manner, but with resolute success.
Let it be underscored that the DEMOCRATIC PARTY OF THE PHILIPPINES will function as the good-hearted and noble service- PARTY for its civic-mindedness and leadership awareness in responding to the needs and concerns of Filipinos at home and abroad where the onus of government authority and representation are being abused-illegally and unethically – against the rule of law, simple justice, due process and equal opportunity for all Filipinos.
Further, let the DEMOCRATIC PARTY OF THE PHILIPPINES stand out as the genuine personification of good, efficient and responsible change-agent. Come Election time in May 2010 – via its nationwide outreach and Get Out the Vote (GOTV) apparatus – our PARTY would have no problem in standing up in generating an effective, responsive and responsible participatory and knowledgeable catalyst in voters’ registration via FilVote and in the actual voting on Election Day via our GOTV activities.
Before this becomes manifest, however, the strategy for establishing memberships in multi-level Filipino groups and/or associations shall zero in on the following sectoral representations from:
1. Church/Religious Groups
2. Educational Groups (comprising teachers & administrators, university/college students)
3. Veterans advocacy Groups
4. Professional Group (MDs’ Nurses, CPAs, Engineers, etc.)
5. Local Business & Chambers of Commerce Groups
6. Civic Group (Rotarians, Lions’ Clubs, Jaycees, Knights of Rizal, etc.)
7. Youth Groups (comprising various athletic associations, etc.)
It is also strongly recommended that such groups at the Regional, State and/or Country/City levels conduct their activities and meetings with highly ethical and moral modus operandi. Accordingly, it is advisable that the most prominent clergyman (be he/she Catholic, Protestant, Muslim or otherwise) and/or respected community leader from that Region, Provincial and/or City/Municipal) be induced to join our PARTY. It is a known fact that Filipinos across a wide spectrum of our communities across the nation are either unfamiliar and/or uneasy in dealing with their local government agencies, and that said agencies may not know the gripes and concerns of the people. Who themselves are dutiful taxpayers, stakeholders and voters in such communities.
Hence, by appointing a prominent religious leader and/or a respected community leader, it could be presumed that such councils under the aegis of the DEMOCRATIC PARTY OF THE PHILIPPINES would be morally and ethically edifying and rigorously ethical and more caring about people and their needs and concerns.
Finally, Operation PLEDGE is the DEMOCRATIC PARTY OF THE PHILIPPINES’ “Marshall Plan” for a new brand of empowerment that is at once progressive and ethical, responsive and responsible, driven by its quest for representative advocacy for the 90-million Filipinos at home, the 4-millino FilAms across America and the other 4-million OFWs across the globe.
V. The DEMOCRATIC PARTY OF THE PHILIPPINES’ Goals, Objectives and Strategies
Amidst the many and varied challenges confronting the DEMOCRATIC PARTY OF THE PHILIPPINES, there exist ample opportunities for Filipinos across our nation to flex their innovative spirit, entrepreneurial wherewithal, as well as moral determination to ensure that our collective quest for respect and visibility through empowerment and advocacy are recognized in the corridors of power in Malacañan and the Philippine Congress.
The DEMOCRATIC PARTY OF THE PHILIPPINES would serve as the vehicle for change in this regard.
At the forefront of Operation PLEDGE’s strategy is the process of “conscientization” by which our Party’s officers and members are dutifully bound to look after the least fortunate of Filipinos And displaced OFWs who are disenfranchised, discriminated against, and/or shortchanged in the workplace by sometimes condescending and unconscionable government functionaries and bureaucrats – be it at the national, regional, provincial and/or city and municipal levels.
While the prospects for the DEMOCRATIC PARTY OF THE PHILIPPINES’s recognition in this rather high-stake endeavor looms large and a bit undefined at times, these shall be conditioned by how much our fellow countrymen’s self-respect and dignity will be sacrificed. The conscientization methodology verges on the premise that never again should a Filipino be enslaved by any group here in our country since this would constitute the ultimate treason for stripping away our avowed stance on responsibility and duty towards empowering our people.
Our PARTY providentially comes at a time when the call to action for Filipino leaders’ civic and political engagement would seek to define the conduct of our communities across their Philippines/at every level of engagement at the national, regional, provincial, and/or city/municipal level. Response to this call to action can no longer be ignored, much less postponed, if we are to give rise to the advent of a genuine and do-able empowerment whereby the common good of all Filipinos at home and abroad is to be assured and enhanced.
Simply put, the ideals of the DEMOCRATIC PARTY OF THE PHILIPPINES’ leadership towards paving the way for people empowerment through advocacy must be reckoned with deliberately and with conscientious dispatch. Our Party’s forthcoming ascent to our Filipino psyche will be made possible not so much by the coalition of conventional community and civic organizations. Rather, it will be home out by the convergence of a grassroots leadership at the regional; Provincial, City/Municipal levels daring knowledgeably and responsively to represent the needs and concerns, the dreams and aspirations of common ordinary Filipinos.
Our collective hopes for a better tomorrow and a better country demand the requisite clarity and persuasive character evoking a justifiable optimism in the promise inherent in the idealism of Democracy as a government of the people, by the people and for the people.
Accordingly, the promotion of the DEMOCRATIC PARTY OF THE PHILIPPINES’ empowerment advocacy PARTY is geared towards the attainment of the following goals and objectives via an outline of a four-pronged strategy:
GOAL #1: To realign the DEMOCRATIC PARTY OF THE PHILIPPINES’ policies, rules and regulations on people advocacy that is germane to empowerment across the Philippines.
1. To advocate for the Filipino’s acquisition of empowerment rights, and streamline their civic and political participation in their government.
2. To systematize the monitoring procedures regarding the status of each the DEMOCRATIC PARTY OF THE PHILIPPINES’ participation through empowerment throughout the Nation’s Regional areas,.
3. To provide advice and assistance for the organization and operation the DEMOCRATIC PARTY OF THE PHILIPPINES’ cadre units at the Regional, Provincial, City/Municipal level.
1. The DEMOCRATIC PARTY OF THE PHILIPPINES’ Operation PLEDGE shall monitor any impediments and loopholes in the implementation of directives for the purpose of rectifying same – thereby, rendering our people empowerment more responsive to the Filipinos’ overall civic-political engagement.
2. Existing information network within DEMOCRATIC PARTY OF THE PHILIPPINES’s rank-and-file Membership shall be expanded to give emphasis in providing an effective means for communication and transfer data-analyses on Filipinos’ empowerment for eventual replication throughout the nation’s Regions.
3. In concert with the existing government agencies at the National, Regional, Provincial, and/or City/Municipal level, Operation PLEDGE shall extend full assistance to the establishment of Regional cadre units and enterprises germane to people empowerment via advocacy.
4. Operation PLEDGE shall encourage progressive policies and/or mechanism on providing incentives of any kind, thus enhancing equitable distribution of empowerment whereby the democratic principle of participatory governance form the basis for advocacy.
GOAL # 2: To strengthen the process of “conscientization” in a manner whereby the civic and political engagement and the monitoring of the conduct of government agencies redound to the overall welfare and common good of Filipinos across the Philippines and the OFW Diaspora.
1. To provide a planning framework for a more do-able and extensive exploration strategy suitable to advance Filipino empowerment and OFW recognition.
2. To encourage and foster exploration efforts on empowerment by the NGOs, church and religious leaders, civic and community organizations.
3. To strategize Operation PLEDGE’s role in motivating government’s efforts towards outreach efforts in a manner that paves the way for a genuine understanding with the Regional, State and Country/City cadre units in their quest for empowerment and advocacy
1. In concert with Congressional agencies and other appropriate government offices, Operation PLEDGE shall intensify its efforts in seeking greater cooperation among government officials and community leaders to forge an ambiance of empowerment and advocacy on the basis that genuine power and authority rest on the consent of the governed.
2. Strategy assistance from Operation PLEDGE shall be worked out through the provision of advisory and consultative services on the various steps of engagement in a way that ordinary Filipinos can understand and use.
3. Special workshop sessions shall be held by way of giving due emphasis toward the creation of special projects to respond to the needs and concerns of Filipinos in a given Regional, Provincial, City/Municipal City.
4. Operation PLEDGE’s research and development program shall focus its efforts on key strategies that will empower other NGOs and other organization relative to their participatory role in the conduct of local government affairs.
GOAL # 3: To develop a research program whereby strategies for people empowerment and advocacy are implemented to benefit any given Filipino community at the Regional, Provincial, City/Municipal level.
1. To develop a training procedure for the Regional, State, and/or County/City cadre units whereby appropriate strategies for empowering the people towards their bona-fide engagement in the conduct of government affairs is achieved.
2. To assure cadre units that their plans of actions are welcome, and that their role towards the emergence of a people advocacy agent that is both ethical and responsive in safeguarding the dignity of Filipinos at home and abroad.
3. To create and provide the necessary infrastructure mechanism in order to stimulate cadre unit strategies toward civic-political engagement that is inclusive of all Filipinos of good will.
1. The DEMOCRATIC PARTY OF THE PHILIPPINES’ Operation PLEDGE shall negotiate with appropriate government agencies so that cadre units of the various levels can receive the benefits of accessibility to public assistance services on a need-basis.
2. It shall explore the possibility of establishing funding resources to become later on self-supporting cadre units, particularly in their quest for enhancing FilAm empowerment activities.
3. Operation PLEDGE shall seek assistance from national private and/or public funding resources, as well as from any other philanthropic sources in order to underwrite activities and initiatives germane to FilAm empowerment and advocacy programs.]
4. A financing work plan for Operation PLEDGE shall be pursued in order to respond to the needs of cadre units – until such time when long-term funding shall have been received.
Secretary General, DPP
Chairman, Sagip-Bayan Coalition, Inc.
National President, Center for the Welfare,
Protection and Legal Defense of OFWs (OFWs Protect), Inc.
Deputy Secretary-General, DPP
Founder & Secretary General,
Global Alliance to Save Our Nation
Deputy Secretary-General, DPP
National Chairman, Filipino Regional Movement (FIRM) for Peace and Stability, Inc.
Chairman, Membership & Political Affairs Committee
National Founding Chairman, Organized Network for Empowerment (ONE) Movement
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