Barack Obama & Socialism According to Comrade Bush Allies
![Comrade Bush](
Powell said he had grown tired of McCain's negative campaigning and that the American people would prefer to focus on issues like education, infrastructure and the economy. He specifically slammed Palin's allegation that Obama's tax plan is socialist, calling it misleading.Who are the socialists then? Well, as far as Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez is concerned he thinks and taunt George Bush to be on the left of him now upon learning that the feds are buying stocks in the banking institution and yet not a whimper from the McCain-Palin camp. What’s up with these Republicans and their not so nice supporters accusing Obama as a "Socialist" do they happen to be living under a rock these past few weeks while the Bush Republican administration just socialized our entire banking and finance industries? is that ironic or what? While here they are accusing Barack Obama of being a socialist yet those in the left calls their party leader a comrade is just hilarious.
"Taxes are always a redistribution of money. Most of the taxes that are redistributed go back to those who pay them -- in roads and airports and hospitals and schools," President Bush's former secretary of state said. "And taxes are necessary for the common good, and there's nothing wrong with examining what our tax structure is or who should be paying more, who should be paying less.
Speaking of Joe the Plumber and Sarah Palin, on 'The Tonight Show with Jay Leno,' on Oct. 16, Jay Leno's joke really stings, lol:
Joe the Plumber has been all over the place. He's been on 'Good Morning America,' he's on Fox News, he was talking to the Associated Press. This plumber has done more interviews in one day than Sarah Palin has done since being chosen by John McCain.It is just unbelievable how they portray Joe the Plumber as if he truly represents blue collar middle class dreaming of buying a $250-$280K income when he presently makes $40K a year makes you wonder how he is going to pull it off. Well with all the interview and attention he is getting and if he joins a union and get a license he may just get into business ownership. On the other hand maybe his focus just like the McCain-Palin camp is kind of cross eyed coming from this advice at Bay State Liberal Blog:
JOE THE NON-UNION, UNLICENSED, SCAB PLUMBER gives a bad name for Unionized Journeymen plumbers.There Joe, I think raising funds to buy a business earning $250-280K will surely cost more than what they earn so time to save up and worry about the taxes when you get there. Stop worrying about the "socialist" at this point, what you should worry about is the shrinking middle class and under Barack Obama's platform it is about giving the middle class a break and strengthening of the middle class by helping the poor hopefully to get there too.
Using McCain’s 6-Day 10hr shifts Joe could have made in excess of $250,000.00 WITHOUT EVEN OWNING THE BUSINESS!
You say how? An PRIMARY "A" DIVISION JOURNEYMEN in LOCAL #1 makes $80.26 per hr (including benefits) X 6 days a week 10 hrs a day = $3,210.40 Regular Time + 20 hrs OT @ $120.29 = $2405.80 = $5616.20 x 52= $292,042.40! So JOE THE "SCAB" PLUMBER could pay his TAXES and get a new van if he was a PROUD AMERICAN "A" DIVISION JOURNEYMEN in LOCAL #1.
Don't believe the numbers? Call the Joint board and check!
(718) 752-9630 or I can post a link to the wages.
Vote Union Today = OBAMA 2008!
So far what the McCain-Palin rhetoric does to “energize” the conservative base is seeing some of our relatives and friends who sends us spam e-mail about Obama being a Manchurian candidate, an Al Qaeda sympathizer or worse a Muslim as if being a Muslim makes one a terrorist when Obama was raised a Christian. What is worse is when you see these kind of people and hopefully they are not the so-called conservative base (or are they?) in this you tube posted by Ana at Manila Bay Watch below:
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9 Speak Out:
Absolutely true. I actually did realize that Hugo Chavez and the like are probably getting a good laugh right about now. Of course, falling gas prices are gonna bite Venezuela hard so he doesn't get to laugh for too long at least.
@alberto, that is so ironic isn't it? while they brand obama a socialist the real socialist calls bush his comrade.
On the campaign trail, they're culture warriors; once in office, conservatives just follow the money.
@the equalizer, yeah and the kind of culture they promote is just.... ahh never mind, lol.
And they say Americans are educated voters? these guys cannot even distinguish fact from fiction. but then again, as they say, a lie repeated too often begins to sound like the truth. i really would like the purveyors of these lies get a thrashing at the polls. go Obama!
Q:How do Republicans highlight Sarah Palin's connection to America's working class?
A: Sarah Palin's image as a small-town ,'Joe six-pack' American.
Fact:Since her selection as John McCain's running mate, the Republican National Committee spent more than $150,000 on clothing and make-up for Gov. Sarah Palin, her husband, and even her infant son!!!
@r-yo, i guess their desperation is showing thus they try and hold on to anything even if it was a concocted one, lol.
@eq, the downside of having lobbyist to manage their campaign, it becomes a costly product with no substance.... and AP reports has it that she flies the kids all over and change the declaration so she can pass the expense to the state.... that must be mavericky, lol.
if i understand it right, the bail-out plan is to have stakes in banks and private financial institutions to save the ailing american economy. sounds socialist isn't it?
@the bystander, no wonder hugo chavez is having a ball with comrade bush, lol. hey good to see you back active in blogging again...
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