Abaca is one of the most durable and strong fiber out there, a modest material that is one of the leading home grown products of the Philippines, so goes the Yabang Pinoy (Filipino Pride) website. I like the concept and the symbolism it represents on the ever elusive unity which I believe is the group’s goal. A single shred of fiber is weak and brittle but weaved together has the strength of towing ships or anchor them to the docks.
The Filipino resiliency can be likened to an Abaca .........that is, once we figure out how to band together without of course getting labeled by that Lady cheating errrr seating by the stinking Pasig River as destabilizers of her questionable mandate...... then we might be in on someth
Now unlike that site where you can buy the weaved bracelet to show off your FILIPINO PRIDE the Jaywalking Cyber Pedestrian Observer offers this NECKLACE gratis et amore, yes as in FREE even the stamp or shipping and handling however you want to receive it are totally at my expense. To get this for free, there is a catch though it has to be worn only once (not recommended for everyday use) and it should be worn by those cheating politicians on their own accord and free will. The Abaca fiber as shown above really shows its usefulness to those who we want to just go away and hang themselves up literally. A symbolical knotty nut of a fiber has the potential of uniting people once the scalawags masquerading as servant leaders of the people use this simple but effective way of ridding the nation’s ills.
Anyway this is not to denigrate the efforts of others………… I just want to say it the way I see it like calling a spade a spade. Here is the jerks' errrr jaywalking cyber Pedestrian Observer's version of how we can best use the power of weaving (hopefully not weaving a story telling a lie, hahaha) a powerful material. A source of inspiration and okay that's probably too mellow dramatic but definitely an outlet to release that pent up anger and frustration on how we have allowed our nation to go down the muck of desperation and desolation.
FILIPINO PRIDE a catchy slogan in a society where its citizens are constantly subjected to humiliating episodes after episodes of callous leaders with a tendency to make a fool of themselves every time they open their trap. Come to think of it and as much as I try to make
sense of the purpose of this proud stance how can the bottom dwellers (mangangalahig) subsisting on society's garbage show off their so-called Pinoy Pride?
The ever popular “necklace” has been proven and tested to be effective guaranteed not to break in the middle of the hanging “astral experience”. It can come in handy for those who we want to just go away and gives us the satisfaction of finally ridding our society of wretched fooliticians..
The image as shown is an example of how Abaca can usher in the ever elusive unity that people are really longing for. How about hang our head in shame at least symbolically (although, admit it now, I know and I'm sure there are some of you who wishes someone will do it for real) and instead of pride stance we react with embarrassment at how these leaders with questionable tenure suggest how they can alleviate our sufferings. Don't you just want to tell them to go hang themselves and free us from this unbelievable dense arrogance that seems to seep into the people’s mindset? It is soooo pervasive that lying and cheating seems to be the norm as seen again in the last May 14, 2007 election. From Garci to Bedol of the same mould who instead of getting fired for the last conduct of a fraudulent presidential election has been promoted is just so unreal. As one writer of MindaNews Carolyn Arguillas wrote on Bedols dubious claim of losing election documents ...... it is so increBEDOL, errrr incredible sir, TAMA NA SOBRA NA, PLEASE LANG PO (This is just too much, please stop it!).
Note: Supplies are extremely limited order yours now before I change my mind errr supplies last.
yabang pinoy
filipino pride
3 Speak Out:
Your take on Yabang Pinoy's symbol 'THE ABACA NECKLACE is pretty appropropriate with what we are facing now, both in ourselves and before us.
The ABACA NECKLACE reminds me of the infamous COLOMBIAN NECKTIE and its now notoriously historical utility. While I do not advocate a similar and practical use with regards to the pinoy Abaca Necklace, which some quarters fondly call KWINTAS BALIWAG, I think a similar, albeit phenomenological use of the pinoy necklace,would be fitting for many of our current so called national leaders. Of course when I said national leaders, I refer only and should refer only its use to some of our national leaders and not to all.
This is highly recommended for our national leaders, both putative or otherwise, whose exercise of power is not only marked by a certain kind of venomous abuse of the law to satiate their own greed but also with such unabashed display of arrogance and lack of delicadeza or shame while in the pursuit of that end.
To my mind, the ultimate compelling reason for its use should be akin to the Japanese HARA-KIRI for its justification. For that matter, it need not be biblically inspired. But then some may argue that it is asking to much from the end-user considering his/her moral mooring or utter lack of it. I could only surmise by way of conjecture the penchant of Filipinos for the absurd.
The Pinoy Necklace or KWINTAS BALIWAG, as I understand it, is best to cure,with ineluctible results, the excessiveness of ones atavistic passion. The prescription of KWINTAS BALIWAG to those suffering from this malady has been shown to have lasting positive and final results. Recent study on the proper application of similar contraptions of national import such as the Pinoy Necklace and its results has proven it as a strong deterrence against the proliferation of acne, tinea clava, hemorroids, including cancer and graft in public office.
As a matter of fact, the KWINTAS BALIWAG, the same study shows, is a sure antidote to the transfer to others of impaired genes that have been established to spawn excessive and uncontrolled desires in certain Philippine government officials. However, since KWINTAS BALIWAG results with a certain kind of finality, it has been suggested that the national use of this necklace should be more fully discussed in all available public or private fora so that the people may know its proper application, including its sartorial, social, moral, legal and practical implications lest we, the proponents of KWINTAS BALIWAG, are accused,as it happened in another equally important public initiative from a recent past, of trying to railroad the public approval of the use of KWINTAS BALIWAG as a national policy.
But If you are to ask for my personal opinion, I would highly recommend its use for the senior officals of the Department of Interior, DOJ, Comelec, DND, for certain officers of the House of Congress, for certain defeated senatorial candidates of Team Unity and current officers of the Office of the President. It is also great for those who are directly or indirectly responsible for the proliferation of the unsolved killings and abductions of men and women in our midst.
Finally and before I forget, to obtain optimum effect of the PINOY NECKLACE, I would highly recommend as the patient's attending physician, personal bias notwithstanding, a certain Dr. Jack Kevorkian, an Armenian-American from Michigan.
Thanks for that Kwintas Baliwag, if you have noticed I change the image to reflect the right name fot the "necklace".
That was the only mode of execution for all murders in this strong north until capital punishment was taken of the penal code in the middle 70s.
But believe me there was only one person, one person at a time who has the art or expertise to know exactly how that necklace was customized to each of his customer's neck and just broke it in an instant when that trap floor is released. And he was paid by the neck, that until now as the legend goes, not even his wife knows his part time job. He is still around and do earn extra money doing customizing for the caribbean pirates (governments).
just in case you need him contact the ministry of Correctional Services, Justice Ministry, Canada, Ottawa..
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