Winnie Castelo’s Legislative Idiocy The Anti-Planking Act of 2011
Rep. Winston “Winnie” Castelo of 2nd district in Quezon City wants to stop planking among students with his bill called Anti-Planking Act of 2011. His concern or his beef which is more likely is not about the youtube craze per se but to stop student activists from using planking as a form of redress of grievance.
In Castelo’s praise errr press release there is a conscious attempt to picture his proposed bill as well-intent and a family man who is concerned with the welfare of his children and the country. I was almost impressed with this quote from him in his own praise release below:
Lest this picture read in newspapers or posted in the internet might evolve into a new mindset that just might go viral or very contagious, let it be nipped in the bud. The Filipino psyche of our young children in school is under attack – right here and now.
Really now Winnie, I saw the video of the street protest regarding the oil price hike and it was not strictly planking as some were lying down on their backs. Hmmmmn, was that a Mayweather like cheap shot to gain self-importance for the sake of grabbing attention aimed at who else but yourself?
Merit Salud in his FaceBook sharing aptly sums it up with the following statement:
Some people think that Castelo’s “brilliant” bill might make us the laughing stock of the world once this gets out on the World Wide Web. Politics and showbiz in the Philippines are like dung to a fly so it really does not matter if the news is good or bad, flattering or unflattering as long as they land on the print and broadcast media.
Planking is a fad and a thing of the past says Volt Santos in Castelo’s page and suggested that he create instead an Anti-Batmanning Act.
Not a bad idea indeed if Weanie errr Winnie wants to be on top of the tweeting trend since he did well in his anti-planking act. I say brilliant, no not the bill he wants to shove the students throat but the internet trending that comes with his notoriety, LOL.
If his intent was to attract attention to himself, then he is on the right tract but along with it comes unflattering remarks and observations. Case in point is the confusion he brings to Connie Veneracion who can’t tell if Winnie is a girl or a boy because of Winnie’s bad hair day picture. Looking at his picture I just can’t help notice that he somehow resembles Sen. Jamby Madrigal, can’t blame Connie for getting confused there.
To his credit the bill he says has no intention of criminalizing planking since there is no penalty but then again if that is the case what is the point of the bill, a free ride to the popularity of planking fad? What is obvious is that Winnie Castelo is a closeted fascist thus his fixation to curtail the youths freedom of expression and redress of grievances by introducing a bill against of all things a planking fad. His Facebook page sadly shows his true colors if he is the one managing it or his people because as I posted twice my comments it was both deleted and others are starting to complain about their comments getiing deleted. Winnie is definitely the reason why political dynasty is a big problem in our political system and needs to be addressed or we are reduced to jokers wasting people's resources on silly bills that serves no good purpose for the community he represents.
The wonders of the internet is its instant response to the anomalous bill of Winnie Castelo with a JUNK Anti-Planking Act of 2011 NOW created by Kevin Chua, so if you are on Facebook go and like the page.
The wonders of the internet is its instant response to the anomalous bill of Winnie Castelo with a JUNK Anti-Planking Act of 2011 NOW created by Kevin Chua, so if you are on Facebook go and like the page.
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